Homeowners Association for Westheimer Estates, Inc.

Working Together for the Betterment of Our Community

Together we can make this a great community. However, we need active participation of our neighbors to make this community the strongest!

Little Black Village

Word of the Day:  Collective Responsibility

We live, not as hermits, untouched by others, but in families and communities.

“It’s my life,” you insist.  Of course.  Ultimately, only you can decide what is best for you.  But every choice affects the lives of those around you now and those who will surround you later.  Living up to your responsibilities, being active participants in life, gives incalculable rewards and considerable potential for enriching your community.

On this day, I will spend five minutes remembering a time when I was an active participant in the community, a time when I worked for the future and not just the present.  I will vow to repeat and expand my participation.

Excerpts from Black Pearls by Eric V. Copage

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This entry was posted on November 6, 2012 by in HOA.


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Working Together for the Betterment of Our Community

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